Font Icon Or Svg

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Font Icon Or Svg. Easily copy your favorite icons from Font Awesome as SVG. SVG as font One popular method to manage a big set of icons is to use a font.

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Open the svg file in a code editor and copy the shape code from there which you can further consume. It is quite easy to generate a font with online tools such as IcoMooon or Fontello. We proudly claim that IcoMoon is the only online service that generates crisp pixel perfect icon fonts.

SVG as font One popular method to manage a big set of icons is to use a font.

Save a backup copy of your collections or share them with others- with just one click. Our all-new SVG with JavaScript gives you all the power of SVG without the usual hassle. Editing Tools Icon packs. We proudly claim that IcoMoon is the only online service that generates crisp pixel perfect icon fonts.