React Native Svg Expo

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React Native Svg Expo. It would be awesome if it were possible to decouple native dependencies once an app is ejected. In this article you will learn how to create a simple virtual dice app in react native using expo.


Modifying circularprogress.js to use expo's svg fixes this issue and works perfectly. I also used the expo typescript configuration. The code is live and editable, so you can play directly with it in your browser.

If you already worked with react native before or if you're about to build your next mobile app using this library, you're likely to find a few issues.

It would be awesome if it were possible to decouple native dependencies once an app is ejected. Very convenient navigation between pages is made starter kit, you will get technical support. You can easily change colors, font sizes, distances between blocks and everything you need. Now your svg is like any other react component and you know very well how to use them.