Svg Gradient Top To Bottom. Increasing values rotate clockwise from there. Gradients from top to bottom.
The gradient direction can be specified as a 2 words value eg. A value of 0deg is equivalent to to top. You can use CSS Masking to achieve this for ChromeSafari and SVG Masks for Firefox but this masks the whole element which would hide the pseudo-elements needed for.
Linear gradients is one such feature.
If you dont declare any value the default direction will be set to bottom meaning the gradient will go from top color-stop-1 to bottom color-stop-2. Normally the gradient would have graded the color from top to bottom but with the rotation it now goes from the upper right corner to the lower left corner. Heres our base crossbones image. In addition to flowing your gradient to the right you may also use the following classesbg-gradient-to-t from bottom to topbg-gradient-to-r from left to rightbg-gradient-to-bottom from top to bottombg-gradient-to-l from right to left.