Svg Mime Type

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Svg Mime Type. When going directly to the image it works fine but when using in CSS I get the following error. Im targeting some SVG images with CSS to use as backgrounds on a few elements and having some strange issues.

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I Used To Be His Angel Now He S Mine Svg Dad Angel Svg Etsy Svg Etsy Hes Mine from

Macintosh file type codes. Remaining tasks User interface changes API changes Data model changes. By default Experience Manager detects the file type using the file extension.

Browsers like Safari Mac charsetutf-8.

File name extension MIME typesvg. Proposed resolution Add svgimage to the allowed mime-types. Look for the Type column in Chrome or in Firefox click the plus sign and look for the Content-type response header. 73 rows Here is a list of MIME types associated by type of documents ordered by their common.